We’re hiring for the 2025 season! Please click on the job titles for more info and to apply.
Produce and Seedling Manager (Full-Time, April - October)
Farm Crew (Full-Time, April - October)
Farm Store/Retail Associate (Part-Time, May - October) - Please email a resume: food@frinklepodfarm.com
Summer Camp Counselors (4 days/week, July-August): We are currently hiring for one lead counselor and one counselor.
Meet our 2024 Crew
Peyton — Produce & Seedling Manager
Birthplace: Cleveland, OH
Living now: Portland ME
Fav veg: Garlic! It makes everything better and nothing is the same without it… except maybe dessert.
Hobby/passion/interest: I’ve been teaching myself to cook since I started farming. Recently I’ve been making my own yogurt!
Before Frinklepod: I farmed for two seasons in Denmark ME. My winter job is in the produce department at the Portland Food Coop!
Britt — Community Outreach Coordinator & Farm Store Co-Lead
Birthplace: Portsmouth, NH
Living now: Dover, NH
Fav veg: Brussel sprouts because they taste great regardless of how they’re prepared–I like them steamed or roasted with maple syrup and olive oil–and because they are like tiny cabbages which is so cute. I could also live on a cherry tomato island.
Hobby/passion/interest: climbing, singing, dancing – all amateurly and all preferably with friends.
Before Frinklepod: Working in food access, connecting local farms, local businesses, and limited income folx to ensure fresh, locally grown food for all!
Rosie — Assistant Crop Manager
Birthplace: Natick MA
Living now: The homestead across from Frinklepod!
Fav veg: I’m looking forward to sweet corn, I like it equally raw and grilled.
Hobby/passion/interest: Rock and roll
Before Frinklepod: I was working as a birth doula and farming in the summers.
Melanie — Field Crew
Birthplace: Gardiner, Maine
Living now: Falmouth with Cultivating Community!
Fav veg: Loving beets right now. Beautiful, satisfying to pick, and amazing baked or pickled!
Hobby/passion/interest: Playing guitar, writing comedy, taking pictures of veggies & flowers!
Before Frinklepod: Farming, farming, and postpartum/birth doula work!
Kristen / “KK” — Farm Store Co-Lead
Birthplace: Dover, NH
Living now: Sanford ME and sometimes Edmonton, Canada
Fav veg: Tomatoes (but store-bought tomatoes taste like disappointment)
Hobby/passion/interest: Reiki, meditation, and breathwork as well as community gardening/helping my neighbors in need.
Before Frinklepod: Working for L.L. Bean, exploring, & running women’s circles.